As we close one year and step into the next, I invite you to pause for a moment of reflection. What has unfolded for you…
View More Before the Next 365Author: Kristen Humiston
Kristen Joy is a certified Mental Health & Biblical Life Coach passionately serving wounded pastors’ wives who have experienced personal or ministry-related traumas and/or battle chronic life stressors. As a pastor’s kid and pastor’s wife herself, Kristen experienced several acute traumatic experiences as well as church trauma. Through her healing journey, God has restored her joy and called her to use her experiences and trauma-informed education to serve others who are walking on a similar path. Learning to live from a place of rest, Kristen is enjoying working toward becoming a trauma therapist through her master’s program, connecting with God, and finding any quiet space she can in her busy household of 8.
Liminal Spaces
I knew it was time. Even as I maintained the familiar facade on the outside, internally, I found myself inundated with a torrent of intense…
View More Liminal SpacesA Series on Church Trauma; Part Two: How to Begin Healing
“That is very painful, I’m so sorry.” I’ll never forget the impact of these words the first time I heard them spoken to me. (more…)
View More A Series on Church Trauma; Part Two: How to Begin HealingA Series on Church Trauma–Part One: Is it Real?
TRIGGER WARNING: This article addresses trauma commonly experienced by pastors and their families. If you have had a traumatic experience within the church walls, please…
View More A Series on Church Trauma–Part One: Is it Real?